This web page was created in an effort to locate Vietnam veterans who were members of Hydrographic Survey Team #1 (HST#1), based in Long Binh.

In order to protect the privacy of all the former members of the HST, only the first names of the people who's pictures appear on this page will be listed.  By the way, my name is Randy.   I'm the one holding the sawed-off M-2 carbine.  For best viewing, please maximize this window.

This gallery is a collection of pictures of most of the members of the HST.  I can't remember some of their names, so if you are an HST veteran who found his way to this web page, I would be very grateful if you would email me and help me with some of the names.

Click on any thumbnail below to view a full-size image of the picture, then use your browser's back button to return to this page.

Please feel free to email me by clicking on this link.....

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